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Septic Tanks:
Septic Tanks:
Septic Tanks:
Septic Tanks:

903 N Broadway St
Lebanon, OH 45036
What is the cost of a Soil Test and Design?Call us to book an appointment and we will walk you through our prices based on location of property! 513-934-1040
How quickly can I receieve my soil test or design?The soil report and design report is usually done the next day after the appointment. Usually, we can give you a verbal answer before leaving the appointment.
Do I need a Soil Test?If you are planning to build a house the Health Dept. usually requires a soil test and design. If you are creating a new lot, the soil test will probably be required to prove the new lot can hold a system. If the parent lot has a house or is under 5 acres, the test will need performed on that lot also. This test would also prove whether or not the parent lot will have a future reserve replacement area.
Do I need a Design?A design is almost always required before getting a permit to install a new system. This requirment also applies to system replacements.
What determines the size of the septic system?Contrary to popular belief it is NOT how many bathrooms you have. The size of the septic system is determined by the amount of bedrooms in your house plans.
Do I need to be present at the time of the Soil Test/Design?Yes, we would like you to be present at the time of testing/design. This will help to ensure that we are testing/designing in the correct location as well as showing us your future house plans. For example, any future pools, ponds, pole barns, garages, driveways, etc. Once a system is designed there is no way to move it without starting the design from scratch. This is to help save from any futures charges, as well as helping us get you your completed soil test and design in a timely manner.
Can I pick between a Mound and a Leach Field?Generally the answer is no. The type of system is determined by the soil quality on the land. A soil test will give you the answer of the type of system that can be designed. We always strive for the lowest cost system.
I removed the colored flags from the septic design area, what do I do?"We have all of the flag locations from the septic field on a saved GPS file. However you will be charged a $250 fee for us to come out and replace the flags at the correct location according to the completed design or soil test. Flags must be present in order for the county to grant you your permit.
My land is not cleared, can you still complete a soil test?"We can probably proceed. If the land contains thick honeysuckle, that may be a problem. We may be able to advise you over the phone which areas will likely be tested.
I am splitting off land and do not have a parcel number yet, what do I do?"That is fine, as long as we know where the accurate land we are testing is. For example (Splitting off the west portion of 2100 Wilson Street.) We have details of every property including aerial photos. A brief discussion over the phone should allow us to pinpoint the area.
I am splitting off land, do I need two soil tests?"If you are splitting off less than 5 acres, then two soil tests will be required. One for the land you are splitting off to determine if a system will fit and what type. Another soil test on the other property to make sure it can also sustain a complete septic system and provide enough area for a future reserve.
What is a Reserve Septic area?Each new property requires enough space to fit a septic system, PLUS an area large enough to fit another septic system in case of future system failure. This will ensure that you have another place on the land to put a system. This is a requirement by the Ohio Department of Health.
What happens if there is no acceptable area to put a septic system?In many cases you will not be allowed to build. There might be some exceptions for existing lots depending on what the county will approve.
Can you do a Soil test in field crops (Soy Beans, Corn)?"Yes, usually we can do a soil test. In taller corn we use accurate GPS guidance. We set soil location flags which will likely be destroyed during harvest. If we design the system, we do not charge to replace the flags. If you are simply purchasing the lot with no intention of building soon, then the flags are not that important. They are set for the conveniance of the designer and for the Health Department to view.
How often do soil tests fail?More frequently than you or the seller might think. Possibly in the range of 1 in 10.
How often do soil tests give me UNSUITABLE results?A soil test may pass for a septic system and still be unacceptable for you. Examples may be: - the system costs too much - the system location pushes the house into an area that is not suitable - The system may not allow for enough bedrooms - The system may prevent future plans from happening, such as future lot splits, barns, pools, etc. These unsuitable results happen quite frequently. When purchasing land be sure to include in the contingency that the soil test yields results that are suitable to you, not that it passes.
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